
What Does It Mean When U Have Negative On Your Cash App

Are you someone having an issue with their Cash App ?

Are you getting a negative balance on Cash App?

Well, fret not; you are not the only Cash App user to encounter this issue.

And you are at the right place; here, you will get to know about this issue along with a detailed guide on how to fix a negative balance on Cash App.

So, without any further delay, dive right into the details.

Why is my Cash App balance negative?

Cash App  is probably one of the most used apps for payment transfer. Well, the easy-to-understand app comes with some great features that include depositing checks online , transfer money , buy stuff online, Cash App , etc.

Overall, Cash App turns out to be the best in the segment, which features faster payment and some additional feature that lets users buy Bitcoin  and even invest their money in stocks.

Cash App is an excellent app for sure, but sometimes users complain of an issue in the app. According to the users, they sometimes see a negative balance on Cash App. And if you are having the same issue, fret not, you are not the only one to face that. And the best part is, we will be mentioning the reasons for the occurrence of the issue.

Check out the 4 reasons why negative balance appears. And if you were just finding the solution for the issue, consider our detailed guide on how to fix a negative balance on Cash App.

Cash App

  • Reason 1 – Temporary Hold of a Charge

The very first reason for the negative balance on Cash App is the temporary hold of a charge by the online retailers. This happens when you buy anything from an online store. You might have completed the payment on your side, and even Cash App has approved the payment, but the procedure has to be completed yet, as the retailer hasn't charged you the amount yet.

This is not your fault at all. But, some retailers choose to charge the total amount for the product only after it has been delivered to the user. And in the meantime, the retailers keep the charge on hold.

And when retailers ask for the hold chargeback, they will be getting the entire charge even if you do not have that amount in your Cash App. This results in a negative balance on Cash App.

  • Reason 2 Late Secondary Charges

Another reason could be the secondary charges. Well, secondary charges are the additional charges or tips that you might have approved for.

Well, these secondary charges sometimes are not charged with the primary payment. That's why the late secondary charges might come as a surprise to you.

Again, you can chill out, as this is not your fault; you haven't messed up with the app. It is because the company has charged you a little late.

  • Reason 3 – Insufficient Funds in Cash App

Well, none of the issues might have worried you or caused a negative balance on the Cash App issue in the first place. It happened only because you do not have enough funds in your Cash App account.

Cash Will recover the holder charges by any means, even if that means a negative balance on Cash App.


  • Reason 4 – Someone Disputed Charge on You

We mentioned how the negative balance on Cash App is caused when a retailer took back the payment held before for some reason.

But, another reason for the negative balance issue could be because someone disputed a charge on you. Again, it can happen because of many reasons. You might have accepted a monetary gift on Cash App from someone else by mistake.

In that case, the person, who has transferred money to you by mistake, can easily dispute a charge on you, including the involvement of the bank's inquiry and other official procedures.

If the charge turns out to be legit, Cash App will be covering the amount from your Cash App account, even if that results in a negative balance on Cash App.

And that's it, ladies and gentlemen.

These were all the possible reasons for the negative balance on Cash App.

Hope it might have helped you in understanding the real issue.

ALSO SEE: Can I overdraft my Cash App card (at ATM, Gas Station)

How to fix a negative balance on Cash App?

In the first part of this guide, we mentioned all the possible reasons for the negative balance issue. And now, let us discuss the ways to fix it.

In our detailed guide, we will be mentioning a step-by-step solution on how to fix a negative balance on Cash App. So, what are you waiting for? Let us dive right into the guide to fix negative Cash App balance issue.

  • Fix 1 – Put Sufficient Balance in Cash App account

Well, guys, the very obvious and easy way to fix negative Cash App balance issue is to keep your Cash App account with sufficient balance. If you are thinking of cashing out your Cash App account, then it is quite possible that your Cash App account might have a negative balance.

Of course, this can only happen if you have made some online purchase recently or tipped at a restaurant.

  • Fix 2 – Transfer money from Bank to Cash App

Well, if you already have a negative Cash App balance. And there is only one way to fix this issue.

You just have to load your Cash App. You can even load it using your Cash App card . Or you can do it online by transferring money from Bank to Cash App.

And right after, you transfer some money to your Cash App account. The negative amount in the balance will be deducted, and you will be able to use Cash App again for money transfer or to buy stuff.

  • Fix 3 – Do not Spend the Holded Transaction

As we mentioned in the first part of this guide. The amount that was supposed to be deducted for the payment, sometimes, is refunded back to the user's Cash App account. It is because some retailers put the transaction on hold till the product is delivered to the customer.

The payment transaction stays on hold until you get their product delivered to your home. This is to be kept in mind that users and Cash App have already approved the transaction. That's why retailers will receive the money even the required amount is unavailable in the user's account.

In that case, Cash App makes the payment to the retailer anyway, even if it results in negative Cash App balance.

Well, you just need to make sure not to spend the held transaction.

  • Fix 4 – Do not Accept Unknown Money-Gifts

Cash App allows users to request and send money to others just by using their email address or $Cashtags or phone number.

And if someday, you receive any kind of monetary gift from anyone, do not accept it at all. Well, there are many reasons for that.

It could be a potential scam, or someone might have entered your phone number by mistake. And if the person, who sent you the money by mistake, chooses to dispute a charge against you. Cash App will deduct the amount from your account if the situation is found to be legit.

So, why accepting the money in the first place. You won't be able to keep that, and it will definitely waste your time.

And that's it.

We have mentioned all the ways to fix a negative balance on Cash App. Make sure to implement all of them one by one.

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1. Why does my Cash App have a negative balance?

Your Cash App has a negative balance because of the holding of transactions or late secondary charges. Retailers can choose to charge the amount either after delivery of the product or after the primary charge. And if at the time of making the final transaction, Cash App doesn't found your account to have a sufficient balance, it will push your account balance into negative.

2. Can Cash App go negative?

Yes, Cash App goes negative in balance. It happens when a user doesn't have enough balance in their account, and the retailer asks for an earlier approved and pending transaction or charge. So, yes, you can go negative on Cash App.

You can fix this issue by transferring funds from your bank to Cash App.

Further Reading:

(Guide) How to buy stuff with Cash App & Card

Guide: Where can I load my Cash App Card (Store, Online)

How to Deposit a Check on Cash App with 'Mobile Check Capture' (Cash App)

What Does It Mean When U Have Negative On Your Cash App


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