
Google Earth Shows Undiscovered Pyramids, Amateur Archeologist Claims - salinasfics1951

Google Earth Shows Undiscovered Pyramids, Amateur Archeologist Claims

Google Worldly concern is prompting unitary arm chairman archeologist to evoke that there may be two undiscovered Pyramids of Egypt complexes in Egypt. Both locations sport what look to be pyramid-attribute mounds with a deliberate organizational bodily structure, according to Angela Micol of Maiden, N.C., who runs Google Earth Anomalies. As its refer suggests, the land site is consecrate to discovering intriguing images from Google Earth.

Publishing possible discoveries like this in the age of the Internet is a large-bordered blade. Micol says she is non publishing the coordinates of the two sites for fear they may be pillaged past treasure hunters. However, aside piecing together the cosmopolitan locations of these sites from other reports, it took me to a lesser degree 15 minutes to happen some locations using Google Earth and Google Maps. I expect anyone other armed with a Browser and a modicum of Google savvy would have a similar experience.

Locate 1

Google Earth Shows Undiscovered Pyramids, Amateur Archeologist Claims

The first site is located only a a couple of miles from the ancient ruins of Dimeh in Middle Egypt, non distant from the metropolis of Faiyum. The site features what appears to embody one large mound and three smaller ones. Micol believes the tierce smaller sites echo the diagonal placement of the famed pyramids of Giza.

Google Earth Shows Undiscovered Pyramids, Amateur Archeologist Claims
The pyramids of Giza on Google Earth

Site 2

The second site is located near Abu Sidhum and also appears to feature cardinal mounds, aboard what appears to be a "many-sided-shaped plateau." Micol says the endorse complex is arranged in a very clear formation.

Riveting, but…

While the sites are interesting to consider (especially if you contain the few minutes to find them), information technology seems somewhat incredulous they would be undiscovered pyramid sites. The first pyramid site is ridiculously close to a well-known archaeological location, while the second land site is flanked past what appears to be agricultural activity. In fact, the large three-party plateau at the second site appears to be to a lesser degree a half-mile from a barn or some other farm-related anatomical structure. Given their proximity to human action and apparent large sized, it seems farfetched these finds volition pan intent on cost the real thing.

Remember Atlantis

The possible Pyramid finds echo a tantalizing image institute in 2009 when Google Earth scouts believed they had set up the resting point of the ancient mazed city of Atlantis. The locate was located just off the slide of North Africa. The "Atlantis" find came shortly after the hunting gargantuan launched Google Sea, which allows users to explore the ocean's floor using Google Earth. "Atlantis," Google later explained, was just a collection of ship tracks created by a boat gathering images of the seabed, a process called echolocation.

Information technology would be an amazing tarradiddle if Micol's discoveries turned dead set be the real thing, but I wouldn't commence too excited just hitherto.

Micol says she is preparation a writing supported potential satellite image discoveries gathered concluded the past 10 years. The North Carolina resident likewise hopes to form a not-for-profit promoting archeological finds using satellite images.

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